
Terms and Services

Details for terms and services regarding my works, especially important for when I open commissions in the future.Please make sure to read the terms and services!
Thank you for understanding!

(Coming Soon!)

Stay tune over at https://ko-fi.com/odsushiworks or https://twitter.com/od_sushiworks !

Terms and Services

Some words from me!

> I take my work seriously and I respect you as a person so I hope you will treat this seriously too> I may take a longer time in drawing since I have to juggle at life, so I appreciate your patience very much!> I will use twitter and ko-fi for updates, while twitter and emails are for messages> Commissioners have rights to posting on social media, use it as a header/profile picture, as long as it is credited/linked back to me
> Personal use is also allowed as long as there is no profit commercial use involve
(for example printing it to display in your room is allowed but printing to sell at a convention is not allowed!)
> Artworks are strictly prohibited for AI training and NFT purposes

Your payment and support will help in my savings for living expenses and hopefully a future workplace I can call my own!
So I'm very grateful for you commissioning me! Thank you!

Terms and Services

What I can't draw!

I apologize beforehand if there are things I can't draw!
Thank you for your understanding!

> No NSFW / R18> No animals, furries/anthropomorphic unless it's like a simple animal companion
(example: Itto's Ushi from Genshin Impact)
> No mecha

Terms and Services


> Please send in your commission details through email!> Let's further discuss about your commission once I accepted it!> It also helps if you have an idea or reference of what you want when we are discussing (send as many pictures as you want! and if there's a sketch form you, that will be great as well!)> After concluding our agreement, please pay in advance> After making the full payment. I'll start on your commission
(there is no first come first serve basis!)
**Please refer to 'Rules for Payment' section below for details
> When I've done a first initial sketch I'll send it to you before I finalize it. So this is the time! if there are any critics, I'm happy to hear you out before we move on to the final product!> After that, I'll be working towards the final product and will update progress through email and/or twitter!> Once it is done, I'll send you the commission png file!

Terms and Services

Rules for Payment

> Transactions will be done through Paypal> As stated above, I'll only start on your commission after receiving the full payment!> There is no first come first serve basis for which commission will I be starting/ending on> There will be no refunds once I start on your commission!
**Unless you have stated about your problem and possible refunding during our discussion
> Refunds will be 50% from your payment, but if I haven't start on it yet it'll be a full refund!> If the commission is already done, your refund request will be denied, thank you for your understanding!